News rund um gebrauchte Software

End of Support for Office 2010

9. June 2020

Don’t ignore the end of support for Office 2010

When the time comes for the end of support for Office 2010 as well as for Visio, Project, Exchange and Skype for Business 2010 on 13 October 2020, companies should have already upgraded to newer versions in preparation. This is what VENDOSOFT managing director Björn Orth is currently calling on IT managers to do.

As Microsoft has no plans to prolong the Extended Support, prompt action really is required.

In the light of the latest report on the state of IT security in Germany, which the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) issues once a year, Orth points out the risks that the report cites as an enormous threat for companies, public authorities and institutions in cyberspace.


Striking numbers of 2019 demonstrate the real danger:

  • Roughly 114 million new malware variants (some 65 million of which apply to the operating system Windows!)
  • DDoS attacks with bandwidths of up to 300 Gbit/s
  • Over 110,000 bot infections daily – generally on mobile devices or IoT devices (Internet of things).

Malware as a genuine threat

One of the examples in the BSI report shows how real the threat is and what level of economic damage it can cause: a Norwegian aluminium supplier and the country’s third-largest electricity producer (annual revenue 2017: EUR 11 billion, 35,000 employees in 40 countries) was the victim of an attack by the ransomware LockerGoga on 17 March 2019. Almost all business units were affected. Production was halted for some time, with manual operation mainly used instead for more than four weeks. Ransom demands were behind all of this, which the company did not pay, however, as its backups made it possible to restore operation. Nevertheless, economic damage amounting to almost USD 45 million was caused in the first week following the attack.

Inexpensive upgrade options

‘Companies looking to protect themselves from this type of threat from the worldwide web need to be aware of the end of support for Office 2010 etc.’, emphasised Björn Orth.

At the same time, he appreciates that organisations of all sizes are currently struggling with tight budgets because of the coronavirus crisis. After all, they have recently been forced to create remote workstations on a large scale, without warning.

VENDOSOFT is therefore providing its customers with a wide range of solutions that make changing to newer versions easily affordable:

– Microsoft Office 2013 Standard, used EURO 72,00
– Microsoft Office 2016 Standard, used EURO 118,00
– Microsoft Office 2019 Standard, used EURO 218,00
– Microsoft Office 2019 Standard, new EURO 395,00
– Microsoft 365 Business Standard 8,80 EURO (per user/month)

Office Applications Cloud Solutions

Similar price comparisons can be made for additional products in the 2010 series such as Project, Visio, Exchange and Skype for Business Server.

Ask our Microsoft Licensing Professionals if you are unsure which upgrade option is the best for your company:

Request licensing consultation

Read the BSI report in full (German language):

BSI report on IT safety in Germany 2019

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